We have learned a lot in this business and we like to share so here are some tools and resources we find helpful:
- Public Relations Society of America
- We adhere to the PRSA Code of Ethics
- Sacramento Public Relations Society
- Michael Smart PR (I recommend subscribing to Michael’s newsletter for outstanding advice in media relations.)
- The 3 Rules for a Publishable Op-ed, by Derek Newton in Entrepreneur
- The Ultimate Cheat Sheet of Photo & Image Sizes on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Other Social Networks by Lindsay Kolowich @lkolow on HubSpot
- 11 Ways to Shine as a Twitter Chat Guest by Erika Heald on Ragan’s PR Daily
- Master Modern PR by Integrating the PESO Model by Gini Dietrich in Spin Sucks (Paid, Earned, Shared and Owned media)
- The Complete Guide to Twitter Hashtags in Education in TeachThought
Top sources for K-12 market news and information:
- EdSurge (industry and funding news along with buzz about all things #edtech)
- SIIA (opportunities to learn from experts in the industry and network with other companies)
- Education Week (simply THE BEST education reporting)
Some of my favorite blogs and news sites in education:
- ClassTechTips
- AskaTechTeacher
- EdTechDigest
- GettingSmart
- EdTechChronicle
- InstructionalTechTalk
- SmartBrief Education
- EdScoop
- TeachThought
- Hechinger Report
- EdSource
- EdSurge
- Chronicle of Higher Ed
List of K-12 and higher education trades (Please note that this list is of long-established trades and a few of their digital counterparts. The blogger universe grows every day so please visit Teach100 to see the top blogs.)
EdSurge’s list of Education Conferences and their online/hybrid/in-person plans
In addition to LinkedIn and the standard fare, our favorite technology tools include:
- Snip.ly – Insert a call-to-action or link to your content on articles you share
- Medium – A blogging platform to circulate (and escalate) content
- Hootsuite – Simply no other way to manage social properties and social streams
- HARO – 3x per day reporters look for sources and HARO brings those requests to your email box
- Dropbox – For storing and sharing files
- VisualThesaurus – Just because it’s cool!
- MuckRack – A more sane way to monitor and build relationships with media
- Ragan’s PR Daily – Great tips about public relations
- ClicktoTweet – Insert a suggested Tweet in press releases, blog posts, and campaigns
- QRStuff.com – QR codes aren’t as popular as forecast but this is the best tool for managing them
- Bitly – URL shortener with tracking
- Alltop – Monitor topics
- Dashlane – Keep from going crazy in managing your passwords
- W3Schools.com – To generate simple html codes
- Notezilla – Quick notes and virtual post-its
- Prezly – The only way to create a newsroom and share press releases (plus 99 other uses for creative folks like the Pando Public Relations team!)