By Education Report (resharing originally from FE News)

This episode features Dave Tomar (@dtomar), an expert on cheating in higher education. His latest book, The Complete Guide to Contract Cheating in Higher Educationa comprehensive source on contract cheating in higher education released in June 2022. Dave worked for a decade as an academic ghostwriter before bringing widespread attention to the thriving cheating industry with his viral 2010 article, “The Shadow Scholar”.

He is currently managing editor and senior content developer at Academic Influence.

Host Kathryn Baron (@TchersPet) speaks with Dave about his journey from contract cheater to published author and academic integrity advocate. High points of the conversation follow. Listen to the full episode on AppleSpotify, and The Score WebsiteNote: Removal of filler words and minor edits have been made for clarity….Read the high points of the conversation or listen to the podcast episode here