By Mike Teng
05/30/2023 – Rachelle Dene Poth Blog

The challenge goes beyond the stress and anxiety of trying to find someone to fill a teacher’s spot for the day or week. Teachers remain one of the most important influences on student success, and unfilled absences can have a big impact on achievement. Schools may also be forced to have non-teaching staff to fill in, combine classrooms, or even group students in large spaces like the gym, cafeteria, or library with minimal supervision. In extreme cases, schools might have to close.

Better support for substitute teachers can help solve the problem. When substitutes are supported they are more likely to accept additional assignments, become quality placements, and stick with the profession over time offering more consistent relief to teachers. By adopting a few simple practices districts and schools can make their relationships with substitutes stronger….Read the full article on Rachelle Dene Poth’s blog here.